Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

Recognized internationally as a forum for instructors and presenters to strengthen their teaching skills. It is designed to strengthen novice to expert instructors’ skills through intensive yet practical exercises in learning-centered teaching.

After successfully completing the 3 day workshop (24 hours), participants receive a certificate of completion recognized by many institutions.


  • Designing and delivering 3 x 10 minute lessons

  • Preparing lesson plans

  • Developing participatory instructional techniques

  • Listening actively

  • Teaching and learning collaboratively

  • Modelling adult learning principles

  • Giving, receiving and acting on effective feedback


  • Adult learning theory and application

  • Writing learning outcomes

  • Encouraging active learning

  • Communication skills

  • Building learning communities


Virtual ISW

May 23, 24, 25 2023 $595

Virtual ISW

August 22, 23, 24 2023 $595

How to Register…

ISWs are available for individuals and teams.

Email Brandy at to chat about registering for your ISW.